
Monday, 5 October 2015

Where is Emma Fillipoff (Seven)

previous segments of Where is Emma Fillipoff

FOUR: Mental illness runs in the family. SIX: Okay. So I'm dead.

Seven: She ran away because she fucking hates her parents
At this point, the best case scenario may very well be that Emma vanished of her own volition. In May of 2014, friends, family and police felt that they might have finally reached a turning point in Emma’s case. Owners of Hitz Boutique in Gastown, Vancouver reported that a “creepy” man walked into their clothing store. The man had short black hair, a mustache and goatee.  Both of his forearms were covered in tattoos which looked like swirly outlines of flames. He carried a crumpled up poster and asked the store owners to throw it in the garbage. “It’s one of those missing persons posters,” he said. “Except she’s not missing. She’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she fucking hates her parents.” Disturbed and concerned, store owners Joel and Lori Sellen called the police. Yet again, the tip has led to nothing. Since the incident in Hitz Boutique, there have been no reported sightings of the man in the green t.shirt. We have no way of knowing if he was telling the truth.

Man in Green T. Shirt
Seen in Hitz Boutique, Gastown Vancouver.
May know where Emma is.
If you see this man, 
please call the police. 

“I just don’t believe that Emma is hiding and is in her right mind,” says Shelley. “She would not do that to us.”

Could Emma have forgotten who she is? Could delusions or schizophrenia have made her terrified of her family, and her past? Or does she simply hate her parents, as the mysterious man in the green t. shirt suggested?

Whether or not she’s in her right mind, the fact that she hasn’t touched her bank account remains troubling. Two to three thousand dollars goes a long way when you’re trying to exist off the grid, or start a new life. Or if you’ve ended up on the street, with the myriad of horrible circumstances this can entail.

Shelley fears that Emma has “completely lost her mind…  And if she’s mentally ill enough she could have amnesia. That makes her prey to any creep who comes along who might say, hey I’ve got this stuff it’ll make you feel better. She could be doing meth, she could be into prostitution, she could be doing anything.”

“It’s gonna take Emma to find Emma,” Emma’s father James says this to Fifth Estate cameras, his face stained with tears. Who knows what it will take. It is rare that someone gets lost for so long, and that a search yields nothing but incongruous and inconclusive clues.
End of Part Seven.

Written by Erica J. Schmidt. 

A reminder that this man may know where Emma is.
If you see this man, please call the police.


Please Share Your Stories and Tips
Help Find Emma Fillipoff Facebook Group
Email Erica: ericaschmidt85(at)gmail(dot)com
(contact form below)
Email Shelley: fillipoff(at)hotmail(dot)com
Call the police.

Exuberant Bodhisattva on Facebook
Erica on Twitter: @mypelvicfloor




1 comment:

  1. This story is so sad.I'd love to do anything, to help. To find Emma, healthy and happy. This beautiful Soul just wanted to be
    understood and loved.Where are you, Em? Magda
